Archive for 7 August 2015

HCTV Board Minutes: July 30, 2015


Monty Shatney, Board President
Kurt Bos, Treasurer
John Klee, Board member
David Mitchell, Board member
Emily Lanxner, Board member
Leif Goldberg, Executive Director
Stephanie Fraser
Diana Peduzzi
Mary Gagnon
Sherrie Olmsted

HCTV Annual Meeting

Annual meeting was opened at 6:33, the minutes from July 2014 were voted on and accepted.

Members voted in for two year terms were John Klee, Kurt Bos, Rachel Kane, and Emily Lanxner.

Leif presented the Annual Station Report, and touched on goals and accomplishments for 2015. Some of these include, creating better space and training for volunteer editing work, increasing collaboration with schools and non-profits, increasing use of social media to share programming, developing a regular program dedicated to birthday wishes, greetings or congratulations.

Community Comment
Diana said she was sad that Robin Grant had been let go, that he had always did a good job for Woodbury, Mary and Cheryl echoed the same feelings, they all thought that Robin should not been let go. Stephanie did not think Robin should have been let go after all of the years he had work at the station, and that he should get a severance package.
Annual meeting was adjourned.

HCTV Regular Meeting

The regular meeting was opened after the annual meeting.

The minutes from April 2015 voted on and accepted

The balance sheet was voted on and accepted

The profit and loss sheet was voted on and accepted

Station updates and personnel. It was voted and passed to advertise for a Production Manager, and to contract with Robin Grant on a as need bases for any IT issues as we need. We will be having a coin drop in August 2016 in Hardwick. Barb Howard had contacted HCTV about setting up an internship at HCTV for Hazen students. Leif had met with OSSU to discuss covering more community forums in the coming school year and indicated interest in covering more school board meetings. Leif had been contacted about the possibility of offering workshops for young people at HCTV and he is excited to work on this.

With no other business to come before the Board, we adjourned at 7:40p.m.

Respectively submitted
Monty Shatney