March 21, 2024
HCTV is extending a call to local video producers for new video work with a local focus (the greater Hardwick/Woodbury/Greensboro Area). The goal is to add to a collection of work that builds a sense of place by referencing the place we live and/or the people who make up our community, or being entirely about those things. This is very broad and feel free to inquire if your idea meets this goal before composing your proposal.
The works could be small or large video projects or a series of short pieces that can be completed by summer of 2025. They will be initially broadcast on HCTV and screened at a public screening in September of 2025.
HCTV will be funding multiple projects using $10,000 of the Made in Hardwick Fund (made up of generous donations from members of our community). The funds will be divided up between projects accepted according to their requested needs, matching as best as possible.
In addition to monetary support, HCTV will be able to offer some amount of equipment and technical support, subject to review and availability. If we can only fund part of your proposal, we encourage you to use this as a departure point to initiate your project as a condensed work (create a pilot) and to then seek more funding. We can only support projects that will have completed videos for broadcast on HCTV (no partially completed projects, but a pilot or short form is fine ). HCTV will consider funding equipment purchase costs up to 15% of the total funding request, not to exceed $150.
Every finished piece must adhere to HCTV’s Rules and Regulations: https://hctv.us/volunteering-and-training/hctv-rules-and-regulations-for-volunteer-producers/
What we are looking for in a proposal:
- Present a clear synopsis of your video or series, and include a working title.
- Describe briefly how this idea reflects and/or contributes to the local greater Hardwick/Woodbury/Greensboro area.
- Identify who will be in the video and/or who/what is the subject matter?
- Describe the production location/s and crew.
- Describe the technical equipment for production, both what you have and what you need.
- Provide a production timeline for the project, from start to finish, including writing, recording, editing and post-production.
- Provide samples of previously completed work by you in this medium or a medium related to your proposal. Please state your role as a principal creative force behind the work samples. (For videos, please provide links.)
- Indicate your funding needs and any other production needs – please show a proposed budget, and include an explanation.
All materials for the proposal must be in PDF format (include links to video samples) and sent to: info@hctv.us
Please put “Made in Hardwick Proposal” in the subject line.
The deadline for submitting a proposal is June 15. HCTV’s Board of Directors will be reviewing these proposals and will follow-up with individuals before June 1.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your ideas before submitting a proposal, please get in touch with Elizabeth Rossano (at elizabeth@hctv.us).
Made in Hardwick 2022: Completed films