HCTV Minutes Apr. 11, 2013

HCTV Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2013
Present: Steve Freihofner, Jon Lussier, John Klee, Board Members; Leif Goldberg,
Robin Grant, Employees
Called to order at 7:45 by Steven Freihofner
Jon moves to adopt the 2013 budget, John seconds.
Discussion: Capital fund; comparing previous years; Revenue/expenses;
Jon goes over the new equipment list with Steve and Leif.  Robin explains the
plan for replacing the cameras and editing computer.
Vote unanimous.
Meeting minutes for Jan. 23
Jon moves to accept, John seconds.
Jon asks if the raffle funds had been dispersed to the Food Shelf, Leif says yes.
Vote unanimous.
HCTV Blank Tape Stock Policy
Leif explains how the policy works now: $3/tape and 50¢ for the first DVD ($15 each
after that).  In three years Kurt bought maybe $120 in tape stock, or about $45 a year.
The proposal is to eliminate the tape and first DVD costs and keep the $15 for each
DVD after the first one.
Jon moves to amend the Blank Stock policy to waive the cost of the tapes and the cost
of the first DVD copy that is charged to the volunteer producers.
John Klee seconds.
No further discussion.
Vote unanimous.
Jon Lussier goes over the Profit/Loss statement with Steven.
Discussion on increasing sports coverage.
John Klee moves to adjourn, Jon seconds.
No discussion.
Vote unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.