Posts filed under HCTV Minutes of the Board of Directors

HCTV Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting: July 31, 2023


                        Quarterly Meeting Agenda  

                               Monday, July 31  5:00 P.M.

 Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 0440 8877

Passcode: HCTV

5:00 P.M.  Election of new board chair 

Open Meeting

                 Adjustments to the Agenda

                  Public Comment

                  April Meeting Minutes

5:05 P.M.  Financial Reports – Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss 

5:10 P.M.  Station Report Questions

5:20 P.M.  Board recruitment 

5:30 P.M.  Coin drop

5:35 P.M.  Creators grant status 

5:45 P.M.  Adjourn    

HCTV Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 18, 2023  6:00 P.M.

Memorial Room at Hardwick’s Memorial Building

6:00 P.M. Open Meeting
Adjustments to the Agenda
Public Comment
October 27 Meeting Minutes
November 11 Special Meeting Minutes
6:05 P.M. Financial Reports – Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss
6:15 P.M. Station Report – Set up for Director’s Leave
6:45 P.M. Board Responsibilities during Director’s Leave
7:15 P.M. Other Business
7:30 P.M. Adjourn

Hardwick Community TV, Meeting Minutes, July 28, 2022

Meeting called to order 7:03pm. Present: Michael Gray, Kurt Bos, Jim Kelty, Rachel Kane and Elizabeth Rossano. Absent Rip Keller.

Minutes of the May 28, 2022 Quarterly meeting were accepted. Rachel moved to accept, seconded by Kurt.

Minutes of the May 28, 2022 Annual meeting were accepted.

Station Report:

Elizabeth will be on maternity leave in the autumn, going into the early spring. She expects to be able to come back at that time, and resume her previous hours per week schedule.

A hiring committee is formed, made up of Elizabeth, Jim, Michael and Kurt. The three board members are empowered to make decisions to hire. The committee will meet to create job descriptions, both to take on station director duties while Elizabeth is on leave, and an on-going technical and/or field producers to help out with general filming and activities – the station needs more hands, especially for the upcoming soccer and basketball season. It remains to be seen if these might be freelancers, or employees.

Much filming has been done, including Spring Festival, Baseball, and Hazen Union graduation. It was noted that HU only made the request to film the ceremony the day before. Perhaps communication from the schools to HCTV could be improved?

Mileage to be paid. A motion was made to pay mileage (federal rate) to anyone who gets paid by the station, from the station studio to the work site. Motion to accept made by Rachel, seconded by Kurt. Elizabeth will develop a system to keep track.

Financial Reports – Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but it was decided to have the new bookkeeper go over our books and make needed changes, and we will go over the reports more carefully at that time. Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet accepted, motion made by Rachel, seconded by Kurt.

Old Business – Michael reports that a new bookkeeper has been found. It remains to be decided if she will work on an annual or hourly charge. Discussion on the duties of the bookkeeper and station director. Perhaps the directors could, or ought to, take on more of the duties. Michael will review the list of duties, and we will discuss this more at the next meeting.

Community Creators Project. It is time to pay the grantees, their projects are completed (Roy MacNeil, Meredith Holch, Rip Keller and Elizabeth Rossano). Motion to write those checks made by Rachel, seconded by Kurt.

The directors are pleased with the project, and will work to solidify it. Elizabeth suggests we initiate applications in January, with the general idea that creators can then plan in spring, film in the summer, edit in the fall. Discussion on building a fund to support this project in years to come. What shall we build into our budget? A figure of $12K is thrown out. Discussion of a system to give both ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ grants, and making plans for the next round for 2023. We will continue to work on this at the October budget meeting. Including what do we call it

Other budgeting notes – Elizabeth will assemble a list of equipment needed at the station, to bring to the October meeting.

8:45 Jim leaves the meeting.

Other Business:

Screening of the Community Creators Films. A date of Wednesday Sept 28th is chosen to have a public viewing of these four films, at the Hardwick Town House. A screening committee is made up of Kurt, Michael, Rachel and Rip to help with the organization of the event.

Meeting Time Change – it was decided to meet at 6pm henceforth.

During Executive Session the directors have made changes to pay rates and grants disbursed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17

Minutes Submitted by Rachel Kane, Secretary HCTV.

HCTV Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda

 Thursday, October 27, 2022  6:00 P.M.

 Meeting Room at Hardwick’s Memorial Building 

6:00 P.M.   Open Meeting

                  Adjustments to the Agenda

                  Public Comment

                  July 28 Meeting Minutes

6:05 P.M.  Financial Reports – Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss

6:15 P.M.  Fiscal Year 2023 HCTV Budget  

6:45 P.M.  Station Report 

6:55 P.M.  New Employee Hiring and 2022/2023 Basketball Manager 

7:15 P.M.  Elizabeth’s Maternity Leave 

7:30 P.M.  Community Creator’s Project – Logistics; 

8:00 P.M.  Adjourn