Archive for May 2021

HCTV Board Minutes: April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021 AT 8:30 P.M
Via ZOOM video conference
Present: Leif Goldberg, Elizabeth Dow, Rachel Kane, Michael Gray, Robin Grant, Kurt Bos, Rip
Keller, Jim Kelty

Newly elected President Michael Gray convened the meeting at 8:34

Kurt moved that we approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Rip second;
Rachel asked about what we did with the extra $11,196 COVID money from VAN. Leif
reported that we have not used it. He reported that Rip has ideas for a project, as does Elizabeth
Rossano, and he’s aware of others working on ideas. Leif suggested that we can give stipends for these
people who make videos. We resumed the discussion about Rip’s “Meet the Maestro” project, and we
left it that he come back to us with a specific request.
Unanimous approval of the minutes.
We decided to call a special meeting to discuss how to distribute/spend the COVID money –
May 27. Starting at 6:00.
Robin moved we accept the financial statements. Rachel second. Discussion on some details in
the checking account. Unanimous approval.
Rachel asked about meeting in person. We decided to try the Pavilion at Atkins field for May
Robin moved; Kurt seconded. Unanimous agreement to adjourn at 8:47.
Elizabeth H Dow, Secretary