HCTV Board Minutes: July 31, 2014

Hardwick Community Television
Board of Director’s Meeting

July 31, 2014

Memorial Building, Hardwick Vermont

Monty Shatney, President
Kurt Bos, Secretary/Treasurer
John Klee
Rachel Kane
Leif Goldberg, Executive Director
Robin Grant, Technical Director and Recording Secretary

Called to order at 6:30 PM

Monty moves to waive reading and accept the minutes of the April 14, 2014
meeting, John seconds.

Monty moves to accept the balance sheet as presented, John seconds.
Rachel says it’s would be great for a workshop to explain how the balance
sheet works. She has been looking at the document for the last couple days
and thinking about that. Monty asks Leif if, in the future, he could include
several past year’s report for comparison.
Vote unanimous

Monty moves to accept the profit/Loss statement, Kurt seconds.
No discussion.
Vote unanimous

Executive Director’s Report:
Leif invited previous trainees back in for more training. He brought 4 or 5
people up to interview Robin Cheruby. But Leif wound up doing the editing. People were intimidated by it. Monty says we should follow up to see how
valuable it was. Leif got people to work on parts and got it up on the air in time
for the ‘studio crawl.’ The interview process was good, but the editing portion
was less so.

Kurt has been doing lots of shows. He’s got a new series on local artists and
has done 6 episodes.

Monty suggests doing editing training before the shooting, that way people see
what they need to do to complete a video and what they are getting into, before
the shoot (which is the easy part).

Tax Issue:
The employee’s payroll Social Security deduction was increased in Jan 2013,
and while the Company did pay the increased rate, the employees did not have
the increased amount deducted from their paychecks. This means the two
employees have been overpaid.
Robin has been overpaid by: $260.62
Leif has been overpaid by: $321.85
Total: $582.47

Monty moves to waive repayment from the employees, John seconds.
The station is in good shape, Rachel says, it should be a bonus.
Vote unanimous (Robin and Leif abstain, of course).

Employee wages:
Monty says the employees certainly do deserve a raise. He thinks at least 50
cents / hour.

Nancy moves to increase wages for both employees by one dollar an hour, Kurt
Robin explains that we make $16/hour and have since the station openend in
2005. Robin’s line is $10,000 and Leif’s is $11,500.
[Monty does some math…]
A one dollar raise for both would add $1350 to our annual budget.
Rachel asks some questions to make sure this is affordable… The station is
operating at a surplus…
Vote unanimous (Robin and Leif abstain, of course). Monty says the increase will start tomorrow (August 1, 2014).

Raffle didn’t go as well as we had hoped. Leif says made about $465. [Rachel
and Kurt sold their 20 tickets!]
Raffle seems to not be working. The October meeting will have time to discuss
other options. Rachel asks is the fundraising is for increasing visibility or for
funding along with the taxpayer’s appropriations? Discussion about a coin-drop,
and other options. Robin points out that the Town has limited the number of
coin drops.

Other Discussion:
Leif got more training last August…

Discussion of the station’s Facebook page.

Leif notes that we haven’t been selling a lot of DVDs. We sold some Basketball
DVDs, but no Hazen graduation. It’s the result of being on the web. We
decided that it’s more important to have programming on the web, than it was to
sell DVDs. So we have been selling less DVDs…

Monty asks if we have ever had a Woodbury business sponsor a Woodbury
Select Board meeting, such as Shatney Autobody or the Woodbury Store?
Robin says no. Monty asks about having Hardwick companies cover the
Hardwick Select Board.

Leif mentions that he is doing more technical things and would like to meet with
Robin and Monty about job definitions.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.