HCTV Annual Meeting Minutes 4/30/2019

Present: Leif Goldberg, Kurt Boss, Rachel Kane, Wiz Dow, Robin Grant
Rachel called the meeting to order 7:03
Kurt moved we accept the minutes of the July 26, 2018. Rachel second. No discussion. Unanimous acceptance. Robin, who didn’t attend that meeting, abstained.
Station Annual Report: Leif reported that we produced 142 programs, up from 124 the previous year. He mentioned broadcasting more soccer had a big impact on that change.
He conducted 1 training for new camera people, but no Vid Kids programs. He wants to pick up the Vid Kids program this summer. He’s has asked Maura Gahan to serve as instructor, expecting to pay her from our operating budget rather than grant funding. She thinking it over. If she accepts, she will provide creative instruction, while the station will provide logistical and administrative support. The program would be free to the kids.
Kevin Gregoire, from Craftsbury, has taken the training and become fairly active as a camera person.
We had some discussion of the Public Service Award production program at Hazen Union and the possibility of establishing a connection between the people there and the station.
We also had some discussion of potential new members for the board.

Comcast report: In March, Comcast technicians installed fiber optic fully into the station instead of just to the Memorial Building. The connection, now undergoing testing, will remove the need to convert our digital output to analog to send it out to the network. Leif confirmed that we will not have to pay for the installation.
The FTC ruling relieving cable companies of the requirement to fund local TV stations has not yet gone through, but, it seems it will go through.
The Vermont Access Network (VAN) met with Peter Welsh, a member of the Senate Education and Communications Committee, to see what can be done to avert the rule. No promises. VAN also lobbied the state legislature in January on the same point.
VAN’s annual meeting will be in St. Albans on Friday, May 4. Leif will learn more about this issue there.
Leif has bought some battery power back-up (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to fill the gap between the moment when a power outage starts and the 20 seconds before the town’s generator kicks in.
Leif is considering attending the Hazen Hiring Fair on May 24, as outreach to the students and teachers. He will schedule a training for anyone who expresses interest.
Leif pointed out that we need more interviewers. We discussed who he might ask and the possibility of training them.
Election of Officers:
Rachel and Kurt stood for election as President and Treasurer, respectively. Robin moved. Kurt seconded. Unanimous vote.

Community Comment: None. Adjourn 7:50