HCTV Board of Directors Meeting: October 27, 2016
HCTV Minutes: 10/27/16
Present: Kurt Bos, Rachel Kane, Leif Goldberg, Wiz Dow and Dave Mitchell
Called to order: 7:10 pm
Motion to Approve Minutes
● Amend minutes to reflect recess and election of officers and appointment new board members (Wiz Dow, Robin Grant, Meredith Holch)
● Will send revised minutes to Leif for dissemination
● Amended minutes approved unanimously
Balance Sheet–
● Hazel Greaves has been working on it…we’re gaining on it!
● Payroll liabilities from previous years not correct
● Could be a Mac vs. PC issue
● HG can do payroll and tax filings for $1000/yr
● Payroll is a problem!! Our system is messed up, we need a working in-house system!
● Maybe a new donor PC from Hazen?
● Let’s get a PC version and see if this cleans up our problems
● Wiz moves that we obtain a “new” PC and have Hazel Greaves help us set up our system with a clean copy of QuickBooks
○ Kurt seconds
○ Approved unanimously
● Kurt moves that we accept Balance Sheet as presented
○ Wiz seconds
○ Approved unanimously
Profit & Loss Statement
● Discussion: Should we go to quarter by quarter P & L report?
○ Could be easier to understand expenses over the year
○ Will try for next meeting??
● Discussion of items:
○ Special Events line item: pizza for workshop attendees and annual meeting
○ Independent Contractor line item: Mike Reis for technical assessment/assistance and camera people we paid for recording events, Kids workshop
● Wiz moves that we approve P & L statement
○ Kurt seconds
○ Approved unanimously
Station Director’s Report
● Only broadcast 2 soccer games
● May do the playoff game on Saturday
● Getting set for basketball season with Lance and Jon
● Discussion: Live broadcasts or delayed broadcasts?
● Met with Jenn Olson (Hazen job/Act 77 coordinator) very hopeful, nothing so far
● Scheduled to do a training 11/7-11/9, no takers so far
● Kids workshop was great! Had 12 kids,
○ showed video at First Friday
○ Applied for grant to do this again, will know by mid-November
● Sell personal ads on HCTV?
● Could do a trial run with solicitation for more?
● Do bylaws allow us to run ads?
● Comcast cpg? Not approved yet
● Improved bandwidth/HD upgrade?
Next meeting: January 26 at 7:00pm