Posts filed under HCTV Minutes of the Board of Directors

Minutes of April 25, 2024 HCTV board meeting

Hardwick Community TV, Regular Meeting Minutes, April 25, 2024 (accepted)
plus Annual Meeting 2024 (accepted)

ANNUAL MEETING called to order 7:30 pm. Present: Steve Freihofner, Rachel Kane, Rip Keller, Jim Kelty and Elizabeth Rossano.

Board members were each reelected for two year terms, as follows: Kurt Bos, Rip Keller, Rachel Kane, Jim Kelty and Steve Freihofner.

Officers were elected to one year terms as follows: President, Steve Friehofner; Vice President, Rip Keller; Treasurer, Kurt Bos; Secretary, Rachel Kane. Officers were elected as a slate, proposed by Rip, seconded by Kurt. Approved.

Minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting were approved.

Station Report by Elizabeth Rossano. HCTV is moving along in coordinating with the Jeudevine Library, for it to serve as place for vetted users to check out video equipment, as opposed to trying to connect with HCTV’s limited office hours. E. suggests we invest in a GoPro camera for sports shoots. E. suggests we explore working with Spark in Greensboro, as they offer some equipment loaning. Ideally there would be such an equipment outpost in Hardwick, Woodbury and Greensboro. A decent starter kit would cost 1-3,000$. HCTV would need to certify users before allowing use, we would need to offer trainings. Meredith Holch is interested in conducting these training. Discussion of cost. Perhaps we could pay $100 per training? 1000$ for 10 trainings, as a pilot program. E. will continue discussions.

The Made in Hardwick project – no submissions yet, deadline will be extended to June 1. Community Clips have been mildly successful, and the Center for Ag Economy has been sponsoring the clips. In the long run we hope to get $100 sponsorship per episode.

Hardwick Gazette is interested in collaborating with HCTV, as fellow media providers to our community. One idea is that someone could read aloud Gazette articles, for the visually impaired.

Community Comment – none

REGULAR Meeting Opened at 8:15

Station Report: Jim reports on workplace quality. Jim feels the studio has improved. A building biologist came to consult, she reported the RF levels were lower, and she will recommend improved lighting. They are ready for plants now.

Financial Reports: we will be getting 35,000 from the state of Vermont. Discussion of pay rates. The board will bring some focus to the pay rates for all of the employees at the October budget meeting.

The board should meet in the weeks before the October meeting, to begin reviewing the big picture.
Next meeting will be July 25th, 2024, 6 pm. Minutes taken by Rachel Kane, Secretary

HCTV Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda

February 8, 2024

Memorial Building 3rd Floor

6:00 Open Meeting

         Adjustments to the Agenda

         Public Comment

         October Meeting Minutes

6:10 Station Report

6:30 New Business: Workspace environment quality discussion

6:45 Made in Hardwick status

7:00 board recruitment discussion 

7:15 Adjourn

Minutes of July 31, 2023 HCTV board meeting

Scheduled for 5:00 via zoom, opened officially 5:05 as per agenda. Kurt, Rip, Jim, Elizabeth: a quorum. 

Rip nominated and elected as interim chair, given Michael’s resignation for health reasons.

No agenda adjustments or public comment (no public present).

April minutes not available because Michael did them. Elizabeth hopes to get them from Michael for our approval at the next meeting.

Financial report approved: P&L and balance sheet each approved.

The content of the station report is reflected in the attached written version.

Recruitment discussion noted contradictions in the bylaws sent by Elizabeth—and also another version she had in front of her–about number of members, and Kurt’s memory indicates no (perhaps unrealistic) requirements about having an education sector person and government sector person on the board. In any case we need at least one more (than Rip, Kurt, Jim, Rachel) to have the minimum five. Determination of what bylaws are actually in force is pending.

To fill board positions, and eventually permanent chair, various candidates were mentioned, and Elizabeth will go about asking at least some of them. 

The board approved the coin drop date of Aug. 19th and discussed Elizabeth’s proposal to donate the money to local relief efforts, perhaps via CAE to farmers hurt by the flood. Elizabeth will talk to town officials about the rules governing the solicitation, and we’ll decide before the time comes where the money will be going.

Elizabeth had to leave at 6:05; the remaining group discussed the grant project. For the new grant cycle we’ll find the previous call for applications, revise as advisable, hope to announce by mid-August with a deadline of Oct. 15, and the expectation of announcing recipients by Nov. 15, with the creative work due some date in the spring to be determined.

Adjourned at approximately 6:15.

HCTV Oct ’23 Board Meeting Agenda


                        Quarterly Meeting Agenda  

                               Tuesday, Oct 31  1:00 P.M.

 Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 8289 2407

Passcode: HCTV

1:00 P.M.  Open Meeting

                 Adjustments to the Agenda

                  Public Comment

                  April & July Meeting Minutes

1:10 P.M.  Station Report

1:20 P.M.  Budget Discussion and Approval

2:15 P.M.  Adjourn