Archive for August 2018

HCTV Regular Board Minutes 7-26-2018

Present: Rip Keller, Amatista Keller, Elizabeth Rossano, Kurt Bos, Elizabeth Dow, Rachel Kane, Leif Goldberg.

President Rachel Kane opened the meeting at 8:20. 

After some discussion of the time Elizabeth's time, Wiz moved that we view the screening of a couple projects in progress first. Seconded by Kurt. Approved unanimously. 

We watched samples of some of the children's videos and Elizabeth's Rossano's work on the oral history with Curtis Whiteway.

After the screening, Leif presented the financial reports: Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss. Wiz moved and Kurt seconded that we accept the reports.  Approved unanimously. 

Rachel presented a Conflict of Interest policy as the first of a series of management policies the station will accumulate. Rachel moved and Kurt seconded that we adopt the policy. Rip and Amatista abstained, and the others approved unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:15.