Archive for 30 August 2018

HCTV Minutes 7-26-18 Annual Meeting

HCTV Minutes 7-26-18 AnnualMeeting

Hardwick Community Television Annual Meeting
July 26, 2018

Present: Rip Keller, Amatista Keller, Elizabeth Rossano, Kurt Bos, Elizabeth Dow, Rachel Kane, Emily Lanxner, Leif Goldberg.

President Rachel Kane call the meeting to order at 7:15. Kurt Moved that we approve the minutes of the 2017 annual meeting as written. Rachel seconded. Approved unanimously.

Executive Director, Leif Goldberg, presented his annual report:

  • The station has installed a new server that can broadcast from anywhere there is a signal. We could broadcast the Town Meeting from the Elementary School. Leif wants to schedule daily shows from local providers. He does not want to over populate our channel with national feeds, and he will be moderate. Emily suggested scheduling a show twice a week so daily broadcast differed. We could have students integrate it into school projects.
  • Comcast will upgrade our connectivity equipment to state-of-the-art equipment
  • Leif has upgraded our internet service to bring it into capacity with the new equipment
  • Leif has the station on the coin-drop schedule
  • The project on the Holocaust-related oral history of Curtis Whiteway of Craftsbury, has grown very big; Leif is


thinking of inviting new partners to finish the production.

After Leif’s report, we turned to the new by-laws. Rachel presented the changes and the rationale for each. Kurt that we approve them. Emily seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

We then elected board members. Kurt moved that we elect Elizabeth (repeat), Robin Grant (r), David Mitchell (r), Rip (new), and Amatista (n). Emily seconded. Approved unanimously.

The Board then elected its officers. Amatista moved that we elect: President – Rachel Kane Vice President – Rip Keller

Rip seconded. Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15

Secretary – Elizabeth Dow Treasurer – Kurt Bos

Elizabeth H Dow