Archive for September 2017

HCTV Regular Meeting Minutes: July 27, 2017

Hardwick Community Television – Regular Meeting Minutes – July 27, 2017
HCTV Board Members Present: Rachel Kane, Kurt Bos, Meredith Holch, Wiz Dow, Emily Lanxner
HCTV Staff: Leif Goldberg, Elizabeth Rossano
*Meeting called to order at 8:40 PM
*Minutes from April 2017 approved by Emily Lanxner, 2nd by Kurt Bos
Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
*Meredith questions extra revenue since last year, LG: capital spending down, revenues up slightly, Extra category made in 2017 budget for carryover revenues into Capital Expenses
*Motion to accept financial reports, MH 2nds motion, unanomous approval
Station Update by Leif
*Discussion about quorum for annual meeting: propose to change the requirement for number of public and members in attendance at Annual Meeting, and change the number of board members form 7 to 5, Wiz Dow proposes to give the bylaws a “haircut”, Rachel and Wiz will meet with Leif to make suggested revisions to bylaws for next meeting
*Bank stuff: LG moved onto the bank account with Kurt and Dave Mitchell, separate checking and savings accts, Wiz Dow suggests looking into online banking, such as Ally Bank for increased interest on savings, LG will research, further discussion next meeting, quickbooks and banking has been improved overall
*Sap Bucket development, Meredith: push to incorporate into Hazen athletics, to make it a goal for athletes to be recognized here, Front Porch Forum posts about it, Board needs to contribute to keep it going
*Discussion of staff hours, some changing schedules for the Fall
Comcast Contract
*Contract renewal set for February 2018, bring in Greg Elper-wood for fall meeting, what do we ask for from Comcast, LG proposes line extension to Greensboro, KB: live feed at theater, get Greensboro select board members and residents involved, MH: ask VAN if this is even possible before getting people involved, LG will talk to Greg and put together a list of items for contract proposal
* Meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM