HCTV Annual Meeting Minutes: July 27, 2017

Hardwick Community Television – Annual Meeting Minutes – July 27, 2017
HCTV Board Members Present: Rachel Kane, Kurt Bos, Meredith Holch, Wiz Dow, Emily Lanxner
HCTV Staff: Leif Goldberg, Jon Pepe, Elizabeth Rossano
Community Members: Griffin Lussier, Tracy Walters
*Meeting called to order at 7:57pm
*Minutes from 2016 Annual Mtg. approved by Emily Lanxner, 2nd by Wiz Dow
Station Report for annual meeting by Leif
*Hazen students progam is in motion, w/ goal to foster increased creativity and initiative, possibly a regular show- Hazen monthly report/newsletter. Create a structure for students (and teachers) to engage. Gave Sean McIntyre’s journalism class a tour of the station- further teacher/station involvement. Act 77 is pushing this relationship forward
*possible Sterling College outreach, more regular connection through Stand-Up with Rachel Stevens?
*Vid-Kids program: 1st Friday screening was well-attended, sept. 6 deadline for same VT Comm. Fund Grant, Rip is interested in continuing collaboration, possibly tour of NEK public libraries with kids program
*E-mail newsletter is being sent out when there’s news for our station, about 150 presently on list serve
Election of Officers
*Meredith Holch makes motion to nominate Rachel Kane, Kurt Bos and Emily Lanxner to the board for two-year terms, Tracy Walters 2nds, unanimous approval
*Meredith Holch intends to step down from the board at Oct. 2017 meeting
*Meredith Holch makes motion for Rachel Kane and Kurt Bos to continue as Chair and Treasurer, respectively, Emily Lanxer 2nds, unanimous approval
Community Comment
*Griffin likes the Sap Bucket, needs more involvement, Front Porch Forum posts?
*Public Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM