Archive for 16 January 2018

Jeudevine Library Presents: Simon Brooks Storyteller

Jeudevine Library Presents: Simon Brooks Storyteller from Hardwick Community Television on Vimeo.

January 12, 2018
Like a one man show, comedian, storyteller, raconteur Simon is one of the most popular storytellers the Northeast has. Raised in Worcester, England, Simon has lived in London, Eastbourne, Brighton, and Hastings where he rediscovered storytelling. Simon traveled Europe, and moved to the States in 1994 and has lived in Portland, Oregon; Boston, Massachusetts; and has lived in New Hampshire for over 12 years. Simon’s work as a storyteller and voice actor began in 2003. He has won honors from Storytelling World and Parent’s Choice, including the latter’s prestigious Silver Honors, and Gold Award for his storytelling CDs. Simon has recorded a number of audio books for other writers, all of which can be found on