Minutes of October 23, 2024 HCTV Board Meeting

Meeting called to order 6:05 pm. Present: Kurt Bos, Steve Freihofner, Rachel Kane, Rip Keller and Jim
Kelty & Macy Molleur. Guest Nicholas Kane.

Minutes of the September 24 meeting were approved. Motion to accept by Kurt, seconded by Rip.

Treasurer’s Report – by Kurt. We continue to have a deficit, but slightly less than last year.

President’s Report – Macy accepted the job offer to be HCTV executive director, for at least one year.
Steve and Macy will be meeting with the tech person at OSSU to see what equipment the high school
could use, to develop integration between HCTV and Hazen for video production, and involvement from
students. Steve reminds us that in order to work closely with students at school, anyone will need to get
a background check – get thee to the police station to get fingerprinted. Supervised visits would not
need this.

Signatures from Hardwick citizens are needed this year for town appropriation, they are due end of
December. Macy will send blank copies to board members. Rachel will take one to the Civic Standard.
Steve and Macy will start work on the budget, which we will look at in November.

Director’s Report – Macy has organized a bottle drive fundraiser for the station, and made posters. Drop
off is at M & M. How about new staff t-shirts, with an updated logo? The office needs to be cleared out,
the holdup is the question of what equipment is still useful. The Hazen tech person will be contacted, to
see if they could use some of the gear. Nicholas offers to help sort the equipment, and will be in touch
with Macy. What about the old tapes of town meetings? Rachel will contact the historical society to see
if they would like them. Macy asks if she can make a hire by emailing the board, or does she have to wait
until approval at a meeting? The board discussed but did not take a decisive vote on this, but gave
approval for the hiring of L. McKenzie. Can Kurt get paid for some of his work? The board needs to
revisit our employee and hiring policy, and bylaws to see about board members receiving compensation.
Macy was hired with the expectation of an average of 16 hours per week, but has been working more
like 20 hours recently, which the board is ok with, considering that there is a learning curve, a backlog of
work and new ideas to pursue. Jim will be away for 4 weeks, and Macy or others will have to cover for
his hours. Talk of how board members could take on more responsibilities.

Macy is not keen that the high school basketball games require a password from viewers in order to
watch them, this rule coming from the coach. She is going to discuss this with him, hoping to open the
viewing up. Also, she will ask if HCTV could receive the door money at the games once in a while, to
offset our expense in covering the games. Ensuing discussion about how much it costs us annually to
cover sports and town meeting and events – Macy and Jim will work on preparing this. Have we ever
charged a fee to cover town events? Apparently not, but it is time to consider it seriously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Next regular meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2024, at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Rachel Kane, secretary HCTV

Minutes of September 24, 2024 HCTV board meeting

Meeting called to order 6:09 pm. Present: Kurt Bos, Steve Freihofner, Rachel Kane, Rip Keller and Jim
Kelty. Guest Macy Molleur.

Jim asks to add to the agenda a discussion of restructuring the organization and VAN compliance.
Minutes of the August 28 meeting were approved. Motion to accept by Kurt, seconded by Rachel.

Treasurer’s Report – by Kurt. Nothing special to report, things are moving along well between Kurt and
the book-keeper. Motion to accept made by Kurt, seconded by Rip.

The board moved into Executive Session to discuss personnel, and to meet with Macy Molleur, who has
applied for the position of Executive Director.

President’s Report – Suggests we go with an online bank for some of our accounts, for better interest
rates. The SWOT discussion will be returned to at a subsequent meeting, when everyone has been able
to fill out the questionnaire.

Discussion by Jim on where future funding will come from, once Comcast reduces or eliminates our
payment. It is unclear how much we could plan for, but an annual chunk should be coming regularly
from the state of Vermont. Details will be forthcoming from VAN, which continues to work on a
agreement and schedule with the state.

The board votes unanimously to make an official offer to hire Macy Molleur as Executive Director, and
Steve will be reaching out to her shortly.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Next regular meeting is scheduled for October 23, 2024, at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Rachel Kane, secretary HCTV