Minutes of September 24, 2024 HCTV board meeting
Meeting called to order 6:09 pm. Present: Kurt Bos, Steve Freihofner, Rachel Kane, Rip Keller and Jim
Kelty. Guest Macy Molleur.
Jim asks to add to the agenda a discussion of restructuring the organization and VAN compliance.
Minutes of the August 28 meeting were approved. Motion to accept by Kurt, seconded by Rachel.
Treasurer’s Report – by Kurt. Nothing special to report, things are moving along well between Kurt and
the book-keeper. Motion to accept made by Kurt, seconded by Rip.
The board moved into Executive Session to discuss personnel, and to meet with Macy Molleur, who has
applied for the position of Executive Director.
President’s Report – Suggests we go with an online bank for some of our accounts, for better interest
rates. The SWOT discussion will be returned to at a subsequent meeting, when everyone has been able
to fill out the questionnaire.
Discussion by Jim on where future funding will come from, once Comcast reduces or eliminates our
payment. It is unclear how much we could plan for, but an annual chunk should be coming regularly
from the state of Vermont. Details will be forthcoming from VAN, which continues to work on a
agreement and schedule with the state.
The board votes unanimously to make an official offer to hire Macy Molleur as Executive Director, and
Steve will be reaching out to her shortly.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Next regular meeting is scheduled for October 23, 2024, at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Rachel Kane, secretary HCTV